Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Life Disconnected


我想起很多年 前看過明珠台的一集《The Twilight Zone(迷離境界)》,故事講述未來世界裡面有一條這樣的法律:犯了罪的人都會被機械警察在額上烙上印記一年,讓他身邊的人知道他是罪犯,在任何情況下 都不准與他交談或接觸(對,就是「當他隱形」,視若無睹),誰膽敢與他接觸的,便會遭受同樣處紛。起初這個罪犯還以此為一件樂事,恃著這法律公然闖進女性 浴室裡,誰知人家並不是真的看不見他,只是對他裝作視而不見,並著意迴避他... 直至有一天,他厭倦了這個沒有說話的世界,不斷找人說話,身邊的人卻仍然迴避他,拒絕回應他,叫他痛苦至一個跡近癲狂的地步,直至... 我暫且不告訴你故事怎樣完結!假若你曾經得罪了人,被人「當你透明」,用視而不見制裁你,你必定明白這個主角所經驗的痛苦。當然,要對人視若無睹亦不見得是一見樂事,唯有主耶穌所成就的復和才是叫人動容!

過去五天對我來說就有一丁點兒像身處死亡的狀態:你能夠想像我這個一天裡面有十六小時電腦都是開著、電郵程式給我每廿分鐘檢查電郵信箱一次的人,一旦離開了電腦,沒有收發電郵、沒有更新自己的網誌、沒有瀏灠人家的網誌... 那種不習慣會到一個怎麼樣的地步?(看你這個人,沒有靈修還沒有這種不安和焦急,真是!)

沒有更新自己的網誌,嚴重脫稿,除了違反了本網誌的「mission 1」之外,還好像虧欠了追看自己網誌的人(你竟然有fan屎?你在做夢吧!?)要他們白來了數天(謹此致歉!)。沒有收到電郵,就沒法知道工作的進度、八卦不到人家的消息... 那種不安、不自在、不習慣... 實在難受頂透!



Friday, August 26, 2005

搖動上帝的手 -- P.U.S.H.

This post is dedicated to all those who're desperated.

If you're in the midst of some desperation, I urge you to keep on praying. Try to remember the following, which I came across this recently, a useful reminder for all of us who need to keep on praying:

[P]ray [U]ntil [S]omething [H]appens -- Let's all get "pushy"!

And try to remember this: when you're praying for someone, someone is this world is praying for you too.



Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sharing my posts

Dear all,

I just added an "Email Post" feature. If you want to email any of my posts to somebody, just click on the little envelope icon at the end of the post. Enjoy!

"Innovative" publication design


以 前阿哥D書除非教署改syllabus,我(盲下手同我兩個細佬)都可以用番。後來出版商出左「年年改版」呢招,家長無辦法唔買,後來俾人吠得多先至唔 敢年年改。跟住佢地又整招「書連作業一套」呢下野,家長唔買書都要買過晒D作業。點知而家書裡面都同作業一樣,有D地方要諗下答案做填充、劃下圖、玩下連 線或者迷宮咁... 好鬼互動架真係!唔駛多,成本書裡面有四五版係咁,阿妹都唔駛旨意用番家姐本「仲係好新既舊書」架啦!老婆睇混成張書單,結果數埋唔夠四五本書阿妹用得 番,死未?


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rediscovering love

Someone wrote to me yesterday, sharing that "So happy that something lost but found again!"

Yes indeed! I'm so excited the other day when I found an old favorite book, Lewis Smedes' Love Within Limits, which I thought I lost already, but is actually buried and hidden in my bookshelf. It was almost 20 years ago when I first read this book, I believed most of my belief and understanding of what Christian love should be, as described in I Corinthians 13, was shaped by it since then. When I began reading it, its first chapter on "Love is longsuffering(愛是恆久忍耐)" is immediately impressive and captured my attention and concentration on finishing the whole book right away. Here're highlights from this first chapter:

"[S]uffering is having to endure what we very much want not to endure.

"The paradox of longsuffering is that we must choose to suffer long. To suffer is to be a victim; to be longsuffering is in a sense to be free. To earn the description "longsuffering" we have to make a decision for what we do not want, choose to live indefinitely with what we hate. This is the paradox that makes longsuffering a creative art of living. We must be careful not to... turns a choice for suffering into a desire for suffering.... We are talking about... renewing over and over again our decision to accept what we desperately do not want and cannot change,... yet determining to live with it and rejoice in it.

"Long suffering is not passive. It is a tough, active, aggressive style of life.... The power to do this is agapic love.... Agapic love is the liberating power that moves us toward our neighbor with no demand for rewards.... Agape... is not driven by ardent need [and] it has power to wait. It gives power to accept life, to find goodness in living while we are victims of situations we despise.

"But suffering long is not the same as suffering endlessly. There come moments when suffering must stop.

"Love is your power to suffer longer than you think you can... Before you decide to stop suffering, make sure you have not lost contact with love."

Did you discover this: love never ask "How about you? How much did you suffer for me?" True love towards a person never ask for payback. True love is never self-centred.


Monday, August 22, 2005


提起看照片,聯想到人真是一種極度visual-oriented的動物(香港人更之是),甚麼都是以「親眼看見過才相信」的心態看事物。但另一方面,人 的眼睛在五官之中可不是怎樣突出的一種觸覺,兼且很容易被欺騙。Constantin Petcou說現代的廣告以一個超真實(hyperreal, Leach, 2002:285-286)的形態,透過電腦圖象修復和用像SOGO外牆般的巨型打印向我們展示各種世界觀和價值觀,並以疲勞轟炸的方式給我們洗腦,鼓動 我們消費:君不見無孔不入的瘦身廣告,不單讓男士們得以隨時享受欣賞女性胴體之樂,還在催眠女士們也要用男性的眼睛來看自己,以男性為本的審美眼光來斷定 自己如何為之美麗,叫我們再難相信一些比較無形或是在可見的將來都看不見的東西。道德價值、心靈裡的真實、腦袋裡面的記憶... 或許都要透過影像才能叫我們印象深刻。然而現代的傳媒,抱著「每張照片背後必有一個故事」的哲學,對任何雖然是看似真實的影象都可以大肄渲染,真實與謊話 都以經變得很難分辨。還好,它喚醒我們對眼睛不要太過依賴,叫我們回歸要用心看東西。作為基督徒,它更喚醒我不要盡信眼睛所看見,以為自己已經擁有的東 西,不要以這些為自己security和significance的所在,反而要用信心看東西,叫我看見雖然自己的眼睛看不見神,但知道祂確實在保守著 我;叫我看見惡人的道路雖然亨通,但沒有「被打沉」或灰心喪志;叫我在困難中雖然還沒有看見任何指望,但仍知道最終祂還是要得勝!主耶穌告訴那要看見祂被 釘過的手才相信祂已經復活的多馬說:



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昨晚電視播放著的,縱然不是我最喜歡的那些七十年代電視劇主題曲和懷舊粵語歌(張明敏的《爸爸的草鞋》還可以),也少不免勾起自己成長的回憶。再翻開相簿看看,來個photographs and memories,懷緬一番...


我的相片能幫我記下的,不過是我的外貌。我生活的片段,彷彿就是由相片中的我、我身邊的人、我的衣著、我身處留影的地方等構成,卻沒有提醒我當時自己腦袋裡想著的是甚麼、我看的人生是怎樣的... 隨著年紀漸長,我也漸漸記不清甚麼階段的自己是專注些甚麼事情,有時甚至混淆了先後次序、或甚至記不起來了...

所以我發現,現在我在寫著的這些東西,不就是幫自己腦袋裡面所盛載著的拍下照來嗎?就等如我們回讀一些舊信件、舊電郵(我最舊的電郵是在96年收發的)... 今天寫的,或許很無聊,但待我十年後再翻出來讀讀,相信就像看著自己的相簿,記起我是這樣長大的,蠻有意思!


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Friday, August 19, 2005



我地生活係凡間既人,多數都好驚比D鬼攪。我諗起細個個陣係鑽石山火葬場側邊住,夜晚去完街街返屋企,你都咪話唔驚。但係後來信左耶穌,就試下一路行一路 唱詩歌學人壯下膽(其實都係無乜用);再後來係聖經明白多左魔鬼係乜水,人死左又去邊,先至明白根本唔駛點驚... 我覺得最「正」就係知道聖靈由自己信耶穌個刻已經搬左入黎我個心度住,魔鬼重邊夠膽埋我地身?除非自己呢個業主趕走聖靈,魔鬼就可能有機可乘,知到聖靈 唔會返轉頭,就即刻班齊人馬走黎做霸王租客,到時就重大鑊(太十二43-45,路十一24-26)!

不過後來我發現,魔鬼雖然唔夠膽現身行近我地,但係佢原來仲有方法攪我地bor,就係喬裝成唔同既樣埋黎啦:佢可以扮成欺壓我地既老細、出言引誘我地既同事、問米婆叫上黎既親戚、或者笑口噬噬既朋友... 不過我覺得最恐怖唔係佢擺出個無頭東宮或者一見發財既樣,而係扮成我地親密既弟兄姊妹,甚至插對翼著番件白袍成隻天使咁,叫你做lee叫你做lo,話比你知咁樣諗下都不為過丫(亞當夏娃唔係就係咁衰左lor!)... 你仲唔中晒計呀!唔怪之得保羅苦口婆心咁話要小心個D潛入黎教會既豺狼啦(徒二十28-30)!

睇見班街坊咁齊心係度燒衣,我就不其然覺得一班人一齊做同一樣野真係好有吸引力。好似成班觀眾係紅館同偶像唱同一首歌、成班擁躉係足球場為球隊打戲、八號風球百萬港人一齊出黎遊行(仲記唔記得邊一年呢?)... 但係我地教會係佢地對面閂埋門唱詩,就算幾好聽、幾相親相愛、幾咁齊心,D街坊都聽唔見睇唔清楚,真係可惜!好彩而家我地大大增加左透明度,希望有D用啦... 我最驚我地變左Petra另一首歌《Rose-Colored Stained Glass Windows》咁就弊:

Rose-Colored Stained Glass Windows
Words and music by Bob Hartman

Another sleepy Sunday safe within the walls
Outside a dying world in desperation calls
But no one hears the cries or knows what they're about
The doors are locked within, or is it from without

Looking through rose-colored stained glass windows
Never allowing the world to come in
Seeing no evil and feeling no pain
And making the light as it comes from within
So dim... So dim...

Out on your doorstep lay masses in decay
Ignore them long enough maybe they'll go away
When you have so much you think you have so much to lose
You think you have no lack when you're really destitute


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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Suggest a caption


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4 ways to find out about God's guidance

The most common and obvious ways indeed, just in case some of you find it useful...

1. See if what you want to do violates Biblical teachings

The Bible gives us an overall framework of what God likes and dislikes. There're clear ones and there're vague ones, and there're issues that the Bible not even touched. So the trick is how we understand the Bible as a whole and extract what we understand about God and apply it to what we face. We need System Theology here, which serve as overall guarding principles on how we understand the Bible. We need Biblical Theology too, which let us understand how God took things case by case according to different circumstances -- and what about our circumstances?

The problem here is that interpretation of the Bible can be extremely diverse and very often our "theology" dominates our understandings, but most often they are "crooked" understandings, which makes us cannot find an easy answer. Take your job as an example: We often have different views towards working in some not-so-ethical organization and often have uneasy feelings in our hearts as Christians. The 1st kind of viewpoint is that people refuse doing any job which has something to do with unethical issues, because they think they are participating, helping and involved in making the unethical thing happen. One example is that our previous Pastor thinks that people should not work for the Jockey Club since it advocates gambling, although the Club donated so much money for charity. The 2nd kind of viewpoint is that some people see the job by the job nature itself as described in your employment letter. Say you're a secretary or something, all you perform everyday is some work related to secretarial nature only, and the job nature itself has nothing unethical, just like any other secretary in any other company. Although the business nature of the company has some relation with the "unethical" stuff, it is this very-indirectness that some Christians think it's actually OK to work in these positions and places.

So it's your call and how you look at the job. I don't have a fix view on this since it is the amount of faith that you have on our Lord. To those who has 'more' faith, he may chose not to work there and he believes God will prepare him a better job which will have no conflict at all. To those who has "lesser" faith (it is not "wrong" or a sin to have lesser faith!), he may keep the job and pray that he will do her best in her post. I do encourage, but won't force people to be a child who have to have strong faith in the Lord, since that is a process of growth and it takes time. So you have to keep on looking for the Lord's guidance.

2. Pray to God and see if He gives you peace in any decision you made

Search you feelings. Some people believe God will give them unrest in their hearts if they chose something God doesn't like. Yes, the Holy Spirit works like that very often. Of course, relying solely on this has the danger of being too subjective. The "peace" or "unrest" in our heart is also subject to our own interpretations and fluctuating emotions. But what's arguable is that our faith is not just a set of objective rules and principles, but also a subjective understanding of God and a personal relationship with Him. So there's nothing wrong with being subjective (I tell you what: there's no such thing as really objective in this world! The most objective view has to go through some subjective analysis, selection and deselection.), as long as you remember the 3rd way below.

3. Talk to brothers and sisters to find out how they see this

We believe the Holy Spirit will work not only in one person's heart, but in all of ours, including Christians and non-Christians, implying that we'll have "similar" viewpoints inspired by the same Holy Spirit if He is to guide you through people around you, so you can get a better idea of the overall opinion, the pros and cons... It is wise to go to someone who is more experienced in similar issues, or understand more about how God do things.

To me another important reason why we need to talk to people around us is that what we do actually has an effect on them. We do something good, people will feel happy for us; we do something bad, people will feel troubled. So it's wise to find out their feelings before we make a decision. God placed us in the midst of these people so we're accountable to them. Like what Paul said, we're free to do anything, but not everything is beneficial to people. We have to use our precious freedom to choose wisely, not to do something just because we like to do but is hurting people around us.

4. Time will tell

This is not present tense while you're looking for God's view now. Since it is not now, this means you're free to choose according to your own preference at this moment. Until one day you find what you're doing is very "directly" contradicting God's way, then you stop and quit. Wait for the peace or unrest in your prayer, wait for people to come to you and they tell you a different view on what you're doing, wait until you read something new from the Bible. But before that, you can choose whatever you like. Follow your heart.

Hope this helps, and may the Lord guide you, and do share with me on how the Lord guide you in any other way.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005



當 晚我分享的內容,其實都是來自Larry(或Lawrence)Crabb兩本有關輔導的書Basic Principles of Biblical CounselingEffective Biblical Counseling。雖是兩本薄薄的袋裝英文書,已經在這些年月裡給我自己帶來莫大的幫助。隨著我們越習慣閱讀網誌,閱讀能力給提高了,我鼓勵大家都應 該多看一些屬靈書,不然預備週會時就老在形式上變化,內容卻沒有怎樣進深過,弟兄姊妹又如何因你所負責的週會得著造就呢?(老實說,我不也是在「食老本」嗎?)難道較「硬」的內容就要留給傳道 人嗎?

有些人愛強調讀聖經,甚至要單看聖經,說其它東西都只是人對聖經的詮釋、是二手資料。我倒認為正因為這些是人家對聖經的詮釋,我就 更要多看多讀!我不是說 讀聖經不重要,但單看聖經、單靠自己對聖經的「領受」和解釋來應用在自己的生活上,往往容易跌進一廂情願、以自己的神學曲解了聖經本義的危險。唯有我們多看前人在屬靈書 上分享對聖經的解釋、反省和應用,一方面可參考多些人的意見,平衡一下自己的觀點,更可收與一些與我們存在於不同時空的信徒交往的功效。看看人怎樣了解上 帝,不就是團契的本意嗎?所以我每在書本上學到一些新事物或道理,也必定窺準機會與大家分享...


Monday, August 15, 2005

Did you earn from the War?


全 球都在記念二次大戰結速。電視上再看見廣島原爆、看見有美國老兵九十歲還乘飛機到老遠的北京記念昔日在華教我國飛虎空軍抵禦日寇、看到不少細菌戰和慰安婦等叫人心酸的畫 面、又看到香港有不少愛國份子大攪愛國秀,也來一起記念三年零八個月的日子,同來奮興大家的民族感情和愛國情操... 我獨是想起電影《Saving Private Ryan(雷霆救兵)》裡面幾個畫面:

Tom Hanks飾演的Captain Miller因要保住Ryan家的唯一血脈,捨命拯救了Matt Damon飾演的Private Ryan,斷氣前對他說:「earn this... earn it.

年華老去的Private Ryan在Captain Miller的墳前哭著問自己太太:「Tell me I've led a good life. Tell me I'm a good man.

我 當然會想起主耶穌捨身拯救了我,但在這個特別的日子,更想到現在還活著的很多人,包括爸爸、媽媽... 他們活著才會誕下我們這一代... 我們現在正享用的生命和安舒,都是從前很多人拼了生命換回來的!我也常要問自己「Did I lead a good life? Am I a good man? Did I earn this (life)? 我有否枉到這世上來?世界有沒有因我變得美好了一點點?...」我還要這樣繼續問,問問太太、問問兩個女兒、問問父母、問問我的哥哥和弟弟、問問學子、問 問一樓一...


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Saturday, August 13, 2005



想 起細個同打工都同全世界人一樣,鐘意打風有得「透」,特別諗起同老婆仲未結婚、初初拍拖個陣,打親風就去新蒲崗麗宮睇戲(呢,最鍾意番做《兩小無 猜(Melody Fair)》個間呢!而家拆左lu!)... 但係到左自己開檔,就明白打工真係唔講得笑:大佬!有大把deadlines要趕,一係番唔到公司做野,一係老婆想自己留係屋企。少做一日野,即係少賺一 日 錢,真係唔係咁過癮!而家明白打工仔從來唔駛為出糧擔心,但其實都唔係奉旨,只不過D壓力去晒老細個度唧!原來做老細既,日日夜夜都要計住每個月賺唔賺夠 出糧俾班伙記,如果唔夠糧出,就唯有唔出俾自己,出晒俾D伙記先,雖然唔係個個老細都係咁,但係至少俾自己明白,打風其實唔係咁值得開心,加埋聽到個D死人lum樓既新聞,就識得係打風既時候,應該先祈下禱...


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Thursday, August 11, 2005


This is how I feel whenever I think of my Master degree dissertation...


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To be (away) or not to be...

You could never imagine how kids can change your life.

Since my wife and I became parents, one serious headache we encountered so often is that we don't know where to go after work. This evening is one of those evenings.

Every parent knows being a parent of those hyper-active kids could get you exhausted easily -- they take turn in coming to you! My wife and I often think of escaping from them by delaying going back home after work...
Movie? There's seldom any good movie worth seeing in the cinema in these days -- better wait for the DVDs.
Shopping? Gotta stop spending aimlessly since you got 4 mouths to feed now.
Dining? Spent thousands a month for a maid at home, you won't let her hanging around doing nothing -- why not eat the dinner she cook and save that hundred+ bucks?

So it often ended up we just take a little walk and then back home to have dinner...

What about taking a short trip out of town, just the 2 of us? But often after second thoughts and minutes of discussion, we'd admit that we'll miss the kids -- we can't afford not seeing them for even 2 days! Afterall, they're cute, they go crazy after you, just watching them talking to each other is fun! Where else do you want to go?


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Can you believe this? People in the PRC could not read my blog! I just asked someone in Shanghai to try coming to here -- oops! this blog is blocked in the PRC!

Why? The PRC government is taking serious measures in blocking blogging services so as to filter and censor unwanted opinions. Blogspot, Blogger's hosting service which host this blog, was the first to be blocked since 8 January 2003. More and more similar foreign service providers were being blocked since then. At the same time, a number of Chinese blogs had been shut down by their local service providers and all website owners who use an independent virtual server and domain names will need to register, Adopt a Blog criticised that these measures leave "Chinese bloggers with no other options to blog anonymously."

Monday, August 08, 2005


周星馳在他的電影裡面,常愛將一些絕世高手描寫成其貌不揚、深藏不露、甚至是極其市井和醜陋,或蹟近顛狂,好像是要衝著世界(特別是香港)「先敬羅衣後敬 人」的價值觀,說明身懷絕技也不一定要急不及待告訴全世界,比起大美國荷里活拍出來的X-Men、The Incredibles或Fantastic Four,提倡「假若你擁有一身絕世好武功,就必定是天將要降大任於斯人,應該將它盡情發揮」,來得含蓄得多。

這 幀照片裡面左起第三位長者,我和一班舊同事都稱他「黃師傅」,據說曾任職多家4A廣告公司,現在已經移民加國。黃師傅就是我上面說這種含蓄的高人。他隨了 手作正稿和插圖技術了得之外,各種書體的中英文書法手到拿來,中文美術字和做dummy的技術更是我從來沒有見過那樣好,是「手稿年代」真真正正的師傅級 人馬。我雖然用電腦作美術設計超過十五年,還是覺得黃師傅手造的東西更「正」、更「見得人」!黃師傅,我祝你身體健康,請你保重啊!因你見證著科技無發取 代的知識、技巧和智慧!謝謝你提醒我:還是上帝的創造奇妙!



Sunday, August 07, 2005


昨 晚到了城浸參加了多年都沒有去過的【港九培靈研經大會】。張慕皚師母指揮城浸的詩班獻唱《奇妙的奇妙》,叫我對神的奇妙大恩動容。(還是喜歡這樣傳統的 基督教詩歌!)盧家?牧師分享約翰福音十三31-35主耶穌給信徒彼此相愛的命令,他告訴我們主耶穌一生中只給過跟從祂的人三個命令:(一)要盡心盡性盡 意盡力愛主你的神,其次(二)要愛人如己、(三)就是大使命。三個都是命令,不是我們自稱跟從祂的人可以選擇不遵從的!「我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣彼此 相愛。」(約十三34)主耶穌怎樣愛我們?就是十架上那份無條件的愛。我們也要照這樣彼此相愛!所以不管我們同意不同意,或是感到有限制而沒有能力付出這 種無條 件的愛,我們還是要盡力去愛、繼續去愛!面對從神而來的命令是沒有「頂唔順」可作為我們不去克服限制的借口!或許正因為主耶穌早知我們這限制,所以將「吩 咐」變成「命令」,好叫我們不輕易放棄。




Saturday, August 06, 2005

Are you someone or Tevye?

While there's someone who prefers to stay poor in order to be more spiritual and devoted, most of us (including me) always mistaken that if we fix our living first, we could be as spiritual and devoted as we want ourselves to be -- Tevye, played by Topol in the Oscar-winning musical Fiddler on the Roof, is one who thinks this way. In his prayer, Tevye told God that,

"If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack
To sit in the synagogue and pray,
And maybe have a seat by the Eastern Wall.
And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men
Seven hours every day.
That would be the sweetest thing of all."

Are you Tevye, or the someone who can truly live by faith?

Fiddler on the Roof is my most favorite musical other than The Sound of Music. Every song in the film has wonderful melody and touching lyrics which also have much spiritual implications. The most memorable one traces far back to the days when I was in primary school, when my music teacher taught the song Sunrise, sunset long before I came across the film in the 80s. The song is a must-know for dads of daughters -- it describes vividly the sigh of moms and dads when they see their daughters getting married:

"Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little boy at play?
I don't remember growing older. When did they?
When did she get to be a beauty? When did he get to be so tall?
Wasn't it yesterday when they were small?


Sunrise, Sunset,
Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly flow the days

Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Sunrise, Sunset Sunrise, Sunset
Swiftly fly the years

One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

What words of wisdom can I give them?
How can I help to ease their ways?
Now they must learn from one another day by day..."

Recently they have a special edition of DVD with Chinese subtitle released. Don't miss this great film!


There is still someone like this...

I met this brother-in-Christ, he told me that he only works 2-3 days a week, and then spending the rest of the week studying the Bible. I asked if he earned enough for a living. He said yes and of course I do agree that we actually doesn't need too much to live. But his answer astonished me -- he said he wants to live by faith, faith in the Lord. He even quoted Jesus' promise, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33) He tells people about Jesus in his work, and he believes God will take care of him.

So there is still someone like this, practically living by faith. While many may think this man will not have too much material life to enjoy, I believe he truly have an abundant life, as promised by Jesus (John 10:10). And I think there should be many someones like him. Praise the Lord!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Enjoy peeking!

Although I told my wife that she's the most qualified person to read my thoughts (I mean it!), although I told her that I believe God would like us to be "transparent" persons, she still think that reading my blogs and the replies gave her an uneasy feeling. She feels like peeking into someone's personal diary since everything I've written looks so personal*. My answer is: That's why reading blogs is so fascinating. Hardly we can have communications of any depth in our daily work and social life, but desperately we expect our families, friends and church brothers & sisters to open up and reveal their true feelings and thinkings. To me writings do have an advantage over oral or face-to-face communications. I think well enough as I write, but I may not think well enough when I talk -- how about you? And by revealing our true feelings and secrets very often we will be rewarded by other people's true feelings and secrets. That's the kind of depth and quality we're pursuing in interpersonal relationships and communications, isn't it?

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade 4-by-6-inch postcard. It's a blog presented not only in words but also in visual terms. It lets you peek into a lot of people's minds and you'll be opened up to an eye-opening horizon of thinking: secrets of regrets, hopes, funny experiences, unseen kindness, fantasies, beliefs, fears, betrayal, erotic desires, feelings, confessions, or childhood humiliation... you name it. You know what I realized when I read them? While a secret always means a lot to someone, it's actually no big deal as seen by someone else -- same as my own secret -- so why try so hard to hide? This will take you to look at your own secrets in a new way. Enjoy peeking!

*Blogs are so commonly misunderstood as just personal diaries on the net, but it's not. It's a lot more than that.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005





Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Cypher in the Matrix

In the film Matrix starring Keanu Reeves, there is a character called Cypher played by Joe Pantoliano. Cypher is one of the crews on "Nebuchadnezzar", which was led by Morpheous in the mission to search for the One, the foretold savior who will free the human race from being prisoned in a fake and simulated world, the Matrix. But after all these years fighting without a glimpse of victory and had no clue of the One, Cypher chose to live in the "reality" of the Matrix, and to indulge himself in its fakeness, and finally betrayed his comrades. I always wonder why would one choose to live in lies when he already has the reality? Cypher explained, "You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."

When we were fighting this spiritual warfare for too long, got torn between the sinful and the Holy worlds, and Jesus still hasn't come yet, we got tired from time to time. We think we had enough. We think and think again, we doubted and we struggled. Sometimes we even turned our backs to Jesus who saved us and doubted Him like how Cypher doubted Morpheous' prophecy -- "Jesus. What a mind-job." Like non-converts we thought our faith is just a mind-job (I still question that from time to time). It was especially discouraging when you had expectations on people, prayed for them and it turned out that they let go and choose to walk away, how would you feel? Would it feel like this?

Judas' Kiss
Words and music by Bob Hartman

I wonder how it makes you feel when the prodigal won't come home

I wonder how it makes you feel when he'd rather be on his own

I wonder what it's like for you when a lamb has gone astray

I wonder what it's like for you when your children disobey


It must be like another thorn struck in your brow

It must be like another close friend's broken vow

It must be like another nail right through your wrist

It must be just like...
Just like Judas' kiss

I wonder how it makes you feel when no one seeks your face

I wonder how it makes you feel when they give up in the race

I wonder what it's like for you when they willingly disobey

I wonder what it's like for you when they willingly walk away (chorus)

Another favorite by Petra. Somehow I think the saddest thing for our Heavenly Father other than giving up Jesus for our sins is when we "give up in the race", when we'd rather be on our own like the prodigal (Luke 15:12), to see us willingly disobey and walk away. Again, if you've been feeling weaker by the day, more power to ya may God give! Amen.

Went silent for a long time and almost went weeping when I heard this on the flight CT115.

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Monday, August 01, 2005


昨 天崇拜的信息提到小孩子是信徒進天國的階模,叫我想起自己之前寫過一個叫《做過透明人》的blog。不錯,小孩子就是一些不折不扣的透明人!

