Wednesday, January 30, 2008



右手sidebar呢邊加多左個欄目:「Entries with more comments 有較多回應的文章」,將有超過十個comments既entries都放左響度。

前一排諗緊取消個blog個標題既上半句「Write a blog a day」,齋叫「Indulge in my days」(陶醉響自己既日子)算數,因為自己做唔到上半句(兩年半post左300篇,平均三日零先一篇)麻!不過唔知點解仲未下到決心,加上奇妙魚腥話唔駛delete咁話,所以都係keep住先。

300篇鐘意邊篇,歡迎繼續俾意見,我會諗下加埋落「Highlights 精選文章」度,謝謝!


At 1/31/2008 10:31:00 PM, Blogger Camustudent said...


其次係「從可有可無的graphic designer說起...」,由文章到意見討論,我都學到唔少野。

At 2/02/2008 01:35:00 PM, Blogger big_head said...

It's helpful that you highlight past entries at the sidebar. I get to read some good posts that I would have missed otherwise.

btw, how come you have spare time? Day off from the Chinese New Year?

At 2/03/2008 01:27:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Camus, yes, the entry on death is touching indeed! But the one on graphic design is not that good as I see it, and I don't think I'll include it on my favourite list. Nevertheless, thanks again for voting!

BigHead, my holiday starts on coming Thur... No spare time indeed! Even time for leisure and play have to be squeezed out. That's normal for me.


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