I just finished week 9. One more week of teaching - but things are already winding down, as I'll be reviewing and giving listening quizzes in the coming week.
Re: 迎春花 - the two pots of poinsettia at my home are still growing strong!
Coral, I'm actually happy to see my space here facilitating you guys, but you could also consider sending her a private message in Multiply le!
BigHead, good for you. On top of 6 hours of tutoring every Monday until end of April, on-going research projects and project management routines, have been co-teaching on a Master of Design workshop since late Jan (1-day tutorial once a week to these full-time students, will last until end of March), had co-spoken in a 6-hr full-day seminar to SMEs. The upcoming to-dos are to grade the written proposals of the last MBA subject, to prepare for my boss a 3-hr talk to be delivered in Chengdu in mid-March (need to go with him, and may be need to co-speak with him too), accepted an invitation to give an hour's lecture (that I need to prepare from scratch) to a higher diploma class early March, to prepare to teach for another 3 hrs x 5 sessions every Thur evening starting March... Did I mention those commitments in church and the upcoming Easter thing? Aaah! Family! Too much to list out...
Well, despite my bad time management, all the above are planned tasks that I can at least psychologically prepare for. The most frightening thing is like what happened last Mon, when my Mom was alone at home, and was suspected to have a serious heart attack! Besides immediately leaving from the middle of a class and got back to her home in SaiKung by taxi (ended up Dad also got back at almost the same time and we get her to the hospital), I made the whole family in panic by sending to all of them a mass SMS to see who else could help on Mon noon. Not sure if I had over-reacted...
Also, let me consider getting poinsettia for the next Christmas...
Hello, Coral. Love to catch up with you. Would you please drop me a private message in Multiply? It's scary to leave my email address here. Too public la.
Ablogaday, learning your workload always make me nervous. With my load, I'm still thinking of cutting things down. I just watched an Oprah episode, which introduced the group called freegans. I'm not there yet. But I'm thinking of cutting down consumption and workload. I suppose that may not be good for economy. Oh.... sorry, I digress... My main point is to ask you to:
唔好咁搏,留前鬥後啊.有乜頭暈身熱,令太太,阿爸,阿媽, 弟兄姊妹擔心就唔好la.
> The most frightening thing is like what happened last Mon, when my Mom was alone at home, and was suspected to have a serious heart attack!
Thanks for your advice and comfort, BigHead! I'll keep that in mind.
> learning your workload always make me nervous.
Sorry to make you worry. I'm getting more aware if I'm unconsciously being proud of myself being busy, a way of boosting my self-significance.
> the group called freegans. I'm not there yet. But I'm thinking of cutting down consumption
This echoes very much of the great little book I mentioned earlier, The Plenitude. Written by a guru in Silicon Valley, the author is an artist, a designer, a scientist, and an engineer at the same time, and he reflected about creativity and creating things for the consumption society. It really inspires me like An Inconvenient Truth.
> Is your mom OK now?
Thanks for asking. Actually it was found that it was not her heart, but infection in her rib. After some medication, her serious pain was gone. I brought KK & HH to visit her this afternoon. She's fine now. Please pray that she'll accept our invitation (made today) that she'll attend church service on March 30 (an evangelical service).
Thanks BigHead for your prayer (and all those who prayed without commenting here)!
And thanks WaiGor for your kind offering -- gratefully appreciated for your thoughtfulness! Yes, I do need you to give them a ride from SaiKung to church on March 30. Thank you very much!
您忙乜啊, ablogaday?
I just finished week 9. One more week of teaching - but things are already winding down, as I'll be reviewing and giving listening quizzes in the coming week.
Re: 迎春花 - the two pots of poinsettia at my home are still growing strong!
hey Grace, I lost your email address and your contact no. in the USA, would you please give them to me again ?!
heehee, sorry ar Ah Ching, contact somebody else in "your" space !!! hahahhahahah
Coral, I'm actually happy to see my space here facilitating you guys, but you could also consider sending her a private message in Multiply le!
BigHead, good for you. On top of 6 hours of tutoring every Monday until end of April, on-going research projects and project management routines, have been co-teaching on a Master of Design workshop since late Jan (1-day tutorial once a week to these full-time students, will last until end of March), had co-spoken in a 6-hr full-day seminar to SMEs. The upcoming to-dos are to grade the written proposals of the last MBA subject, to prepare for my boss a 3-hr talk to be delivered in Chengdu in mid-March (need to go with him, and may be need to co-speak with him too), accepted an invitation to give an hour's lecture (that I need to prepare from scratch) to a higher diploma class early March, to prepare to teach for another 3 hrs x 5 sessions every Thur evening starting March... Did I mention those commitments in church and the upcoming Easter thing? Aaah! Family! Too much to list out...
Well, despite my bad time management, all the above are planned tasks that I can at least psychologically prepare for. The most frightening thing is like what happened last Mon, when my Mom was alone at home, and was suspected to have a serious heart attack! Besides immediately leaving from the middle of a class and got back to her home in SaiKung by taxi (ended up Dad also got back at almost the same time and we get her to the hospital), I made the whole family in panic by sending to all of them a mass SMS to see who else could help on Mon noon. Not sure if I had over-reacted...
Also, let me consider getting poinsettia for the next Christmas...
Hello, Coral. Love to catch up with you. Would you please drop me a private message in Multiply? It's scary to leave my email address here. Too public la.
Ablogaday, learning your workload always make me nervous. With my load, I'm still thinking of cutting things down. I just watched an Oprah episode, which introduced the group called freegans. I'm not there yet. But I'm thinking of cutting down consumption and workload. I suppose that may not be good for economy. Oh.... sorry, I digress... My main point is to ask you to:
唔好咁搏,留前鬥後啊.有乜頭暈身熱,令太太,阿爸,阿媽, 弟兄姊妹擔心就唔好la.
> The most frightening thing is like what happened last Mon, when my Mom was alone at home, and was suspected to have a serious heart attack!
Is your mom OK now?
Thanks for your advice and comfort, BigHead! I'll keep that in mind.
> learning your workload always make me nervous.
Sorry to make you worry. I'm getting more aware if I'm unconsciously being proud of myself being busy, a way of boosting my self-significance.
> the group called freegans. I'm not there yet. But I'm thinking of cutting down consumption
This echoes very much of the great little book I mentioned earlier, The Plenitude. Written by a guru in Silicon Valley, the author is an artist, a designer, a scientist, and an engineer at the same time, and he reflected about creativity and creating things for the consumption society. It really inspires me like An Inconvenient Truth.
> Is your mom OK now?
Thanks for asking. Actually it was found that it was not her heart, but infection in her rib. After some medication, her serious pain was gone. I brought KK & HH to visit her this afternoon. She's fine now. Please pray that she'll accept our invitation (made today) that she'll attend church service on March 30 (an evangelical service).
FedEx 先啱!!
咁我就當你姓王,叫阿龍。咁... 閣下係王小虎哥哥王小龍,定係佢伯父王降龍呢?你既然身為YCC籃球隊教練,即係善用掌多過腿,加上咁高大靚仔(靚過甄子丹!),睇怕應該係王小龍多啦。除左副眼鏡,留長D把頭髮就十足十!
>She's fine now. Please pray that she'll accept our invitation (made today) that she'll attend church service on March 30 (an evangelical service).
glad to know that your mom is ok by now. Shall I give your mom a lift if she accept the invitation?
Thanks BigHead for your prayer (and all those who prayed without commenting here)!
And thanks WaiGor for your kind offering -- gratefully appreciated for your thoughtfulness! Yes, I do need you to give them a ride from SaiKung to church on March 30. Thank you very much!
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