Tuesday, November 07, 2006



1. 很想有安靜和專注的時間:好讓自己能清理或完成近月累積下來在工作崗位上的工作、教會的事奉、和家裡要完成的事情。其中教會事奉的一環,更非先抽時間在上帝面前安靜得力不可。

2. 很想探望住在西貢的父母:自從中秋以來已經一段時間沒見過爸媽,況且媽媽月中會接受一個小手術,是時候回去探探她了。雖然這陣子打多了電話給他們,但上一次回去西貢已經是好久以前的事了。幸好星期天終於一家四口都回去了,並且少有的留下吃過媽媽親手弄的晚飯,還順到跟也回來探望爸媽的幼弟吃飯,算時慶祝他當天生辰。

3. 很想睡覺前星期在海南差不多每天都在天未亮已經起床,回港後的上星期則平均凌晨一時半才上床睡覺,人實在累透了!還記得上周末團契週會後跟團友一起吃晚飯時沒有說過多少句話。諷刺的是我現在還未睡覺,為的是要完成這篇blog。諷刺的是週日趙崇明博士的崇拜訊息《人生在作息之間》批評現代城市人以不停工作來建立自我價值,甚至「忙碌」成為用來炫耀的東西... 我在問自己有否落在這光境中。說實話,我恨不得快點退休,做個送稿阿伯也不拘呢!

4. 很想工作得到認同:辛勞了多個月的工作,自己也算用心做了很多不錯的事情,卻好像沒有得到上司的欣賞,心裡有點不是味兒。唯有對自己說:從海南回來那早上老闆在下午便馬上回學校去,我倒偷閒了半天;他比我更忙,那有時間欣賞我這欣賞我那?還是算了吧!真的,其實我到了這把年紀,也已經懂得自我調校,在適當的時候自我欣賞一番,不用每件事情都要得人家的認同,懂得苦中作樂。

5. 很想拍拖:老婆,我想的不單是在下班後和妳去看看電影便算拍過拖。很想和妳竭一竭!我知道妳也恨不得放假,我是知道的,就讓我們等著瞧...

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At 11/07/2006 09:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little response to your point no. 4..

If we (including your boss, Foon and else) know how to appreciate each of every good work others did, then Jesus Christ did not need to die for us. Because we should have appreciated for all He have done for us wordlessly.

By the way, I'm sure your good works had been recorded in your book of life firmly. Which will be rewarded soon, though not now.

Just keep on!

At 11/08/2006 05:15:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

mmm... sounds comforting. Thanks!

At 11/09/2006 12:48:00 AM, Blogger 1 House 1 said...

>>1. 很想有安靜和專注的時間
>>2. 很想探望住在西貢的父母
>>3. 很想睡覺
>>4. 很想工作得到認同
>>5. 很想拍拖





At 11/09/2006 11:59:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...


At 11/09/2006 03:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might die tomorrow. Why wait? Life is short. Just Do it.

1. Don't have 60 mins. Take 15 mins instead.

2. Being a parent is tough. Go see them before it is too late. Tell them you love them and miss them. You only have one mom and dad. Go see them before you are sorry.

3. You control the time. You control your life. No the other way around. Sleep late one morning the world will not come to an end.

4. You answer to no one but yourself. You do the best for yourself. You are your own critic.

5. Surprise your wife. Take her out for dinner for no reason. If she asked, just said I love you. I really love you.

Life is short. Just Do it.

At 11/10/2006 12:32:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Mr. A (for "Anonymous"), a piece of very forceful and illuminating advice indeed, just like a slap on my head, thanks! Sometimes we have to stay anonymous to give frank comments, isn't it?

> 3. You control the time. You control your life.
> No the other way around.
> Sleep late one morning the world will not come to
> an end.
> 4. You answer to no one but yourself.
> You do the best for yourself.
> You are your own critic.

Your advocation of I-can-will-for-anything is very true, and God surely grants me that freedom. But being free to will for anything is one thing, whether everything is within my control is another.

Do I have control of what I have? Yes and no. When I have what I have, yes I can make use of it, but it's actually not me who is in control of what I'm having. It just happens that what I have is granted to me at this moment, and I should definitely make good use of it (like using the 15 minutes I can afford to call my parents, hug my wife, appreciate what I've done...), so as to give a good account to the One who granted me what I have. So you see I do answer to someone, that Someone. The more I understand life, the more I believe what I'm having at this time and place may suddenly depart from me, and all these incompetence of keeping anything within my control makes grace absolutely necessary. It is not a matter of low self-esteem or self-confidence, it's reality. In this world although I'm a total entity that I can answer to no one but myself, but the older I get, the more I believe I shouldn't live in that self-centered way but choose to answer to people I care about and people who care about me. So you see I'm a critic to myself. I do love myself, but I'm also learning to love my neighbour as myself -- "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'" (Galatians 5:14) And often I'm facing a struggle on how to strike a balance, or struggle on whether I want to do it.

> Sleep late one morning the world will not come to
> an end.
> You might die tomorrow. Why wait?
> Life is short. Just Do it.

Yes, the world LOOKS safe and stable but my life is fragile. To make the best out of it action is the truth. Action transforms our wills to become history and history is almost the only thing that defines who I am. I couldn't jump out from the norm and temptation of trying to do most with the minimum amount of time, unguaranteed amount of time, and again that's where my struggle and frustration come from, not knowing how to strike a balance -- use that 15 minutes to call my parent? To play with my kids? To hug my wife? To devote even more to my job? To write another blog? Or to find a place for meditation, re-evaluating the purpose of my life? The problem is not whether I made the best choice, but I want to do them all in that 15 minutes available to me.

> 5. Surprise your wife. Take her out for dinner
> for no reason. If she asked,
> just said I love you. I really love you.

This is what we're doing already, what we can do at most, out of our occupied life, but both of us want something more than a surprised dinner or film watching.

Thank you very much again for inspiring me for all this inner dialogue. I'm surprised by myself giving such a long response.

At 11/12/2006 10:52:00 AM, Blogger big_head said...

i bought and delivery my parents a bouquet yesterday after reading your post! Thanks.

At 11/12/2006 09:19:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Ha ha! Great idea! Regards from me and Lulu too! So how did they respond? Didn't have a talk on the phone with your dad for some time, may be it's time to call him...

At 11/13/2006 06:00:00 AM, Blogger big_head said...

i gave the bouquet to dad. i told him to give the flowers to mom and say he bought it for her.

oops ... was it bad?

At 11/13/2006 11:47:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

That is a great idea!

By the way, coming Sat is my parents' wedding anniversary too, may be I should copy your idea...

At 11/14/2006 04:22:00 AM, Blogger big_head said...

sure. why not? i sort of learned that from my friend. his dad's too busy working all the time and would forget anniversary. he bought a card & asked his dad to sign it for his mom.

At 11/15/2006 11:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! 1118 & 1125. Very good!!!

At 11/17/2006 06:09:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Now you wanna remember one more other people's anniversaries?

At 11/21/2006 01:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep but not mine.

By the way, remembered in my Blog already.

At 11/21/2006 03:19:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...


By the way,我都恭喜妳寫過左100篇blogs勒!各位,呢位先真正係blog到從無間斷既a-blog-a-day!(我仲有keep住妳上年八月一號俾我封email,問我乜野係blog...)

At 11/22/2006 01:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering me and letting me know what's Blog (WEBLOG)!

By the way, I also congratulate you because aunt prays every morning! Very very very good and touching!!! God bless your whole family ah!!!

At 11/22/2006 01:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furthermore, I have not spread it (the anniversary of aunt and uncle) out loudly, because I just invited very few brothers and sisters to come to my Blog.


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