隻身來到海南島,到這裡開會、到那裡開會、電郵老闆匯報進度、寫寫會議紀錄(要寫簡體中文的!)給合作單位確認和跟進工作... 連星期天也在工作,忙了好幾天,算是順利完成今次公幹的使命,今晚總算可以坐下來寫寫網誌。感謝上帝的保守!
今次是我做這份工作年多以來首次不是以協助老闆的身份出差,而是自己隻身跟內地不同單位的人物交手。好的是自己時間多了(至少不用吃飯時也要應酬他啊!),不好的是凡事得靠自己,沒有老闆作「靠山」作主持,自己對每個跟人磋商議決的事情都要負上責任,不能說沒有壓力。但這樣說吧:經過前幾天跟各位分享的「擋鑊」事件,我已學曉信多一點上帝,信少一點老闆:原來老闆不一定會按他的承諾一樣,在須要有人主持大局或「擋鑊」時「出手」的!他會跟我說:「呢D咁情況唔係我呢個level既人出面架勒...」我的上帝可不同,他一如既往,每每在我最危難的時候伸出他大能的手來「擋鑊」。我或許還是固執地硬要找到畢士大才放心,以為有老闆問題便自會迎刃而解,但我的上帝往往會有他所預備的方法。「耶和華說:『我的意念不是你們的意念,你們的道路也不是我的道路。天怎樣高過地,我的道路也怎樣高過你們的道路,我的意念也怎樣高過你們的意念。』」∼ 賽55:8-9

hi ablogaday!
i found your blog through random browsing/connections.. i really like your contents and i appreciate your Christian point of view :) thanks for your insights, i find them encouraging and entertaining at times :P
Dear Unth (mmm... no vowel, how to pronounce?),
Welcome to my blog and thanks for leaving your comment. It's always comments like yours that I find at least setting up this blog gets one of my purposes served.
Keep coming and commenting.
Try to visit your blog but just saw others' contributions but seldom find yours, and they're all in English. And the things you guys talked about seem not local. So are you some Chinese but with English as your native tongue?
Oops! I must be out of my mind, I even forgot to ask if you're a Christian. And which blog(s) I wrote reads insightful, encouraging or entertaining to you?
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