Monday, July 18, 2005



對,沒有了私人的空間,的確會叫人沒有安全感。然而在這一個世代,已經沒有甚麼真正「私人」的東西給留下來了:在家裡會有一個菲傭看見你剛起床還沒有梳洗 的樣子;由剛出門進入升降機那刻開始,走在街上直至回到辦公室,有人統計過我們都已經被不下十數部閉路監控電視攝錄下來(有看倫敦警方發放的炸彈狂徒 (不,應該說「攜帶者」,因為他們都可能是被騙犯案的!)的照片嗎?有看Keifer Sutherland主演的24嗎?有看Will Smith主演的Enemy of the State嗎?)!我們的一張身份證、一張信用咭、一張八達通、一個手提電話... 都已經成為人家監視我們行蹤、和甚麼人接觸、和財務狀況等的工具;只要你的電腦接了上網,人家便有辦法鎖定你的位置;就是你以為最能保存你最貴重財物的保 險箱,原來都可以無原無故的給銀行掉丟!

由信主初期,已知悉靈命成長的其中一個指標,是作個「透明人」(不是to be invisible,而是to be transparent),要追求一個敞開的生命 —— 敞開去容納人家的不同、敞開去追尋生命的真諦、敞開去讓神充滿和改變自己、敞開去讓人發現上帝在自己身上的奇妙作為!



「我們立定志向,無論住在身內或是與身體分開,都要討主的喜悅。因為我們眾人都必須在基督的審判臺前顯露出來,使各人按著本身所行的,或善或惡,受到報 應。... 我們在 神面前是顯明的,我盼望在你們的良心裡也是顯明的。... 如果我們瘋狂,那是為了神;如果我們清醒,那是為了你們。」∼林後五9-11, 13

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At 7/19/2005 11:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

做個透明人對於我 -- 愈來愈難了! 年紀愈大, 挫折愈多, 被人"標籤"得愈固定 .... 結果, 學懂"掛咪封咀"了 ...

At 7/20/2005 04:23:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Thanks for your sharing, dear Coral. I'm compelled to write this although it is already quite late:

Your reply immediately reminds me of John Powell's classic Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?(中譯《為甚麼我不敢告訴你我是誰?》)

To share ourselves with others is to give others the greatest gift we have to share –- ourselves -– our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our loves. We remember the times when we have shared ourselves deeply with someone else as the most heartwarming, confirming, nourishing and joyful times of our lives.

Unfortunately along with that knowledge and fond remembrance comes also incredibly painful memories of the times we have opened ourselves up to others and been rejected and hurt by others we trusted with our deepest feelings. Sharing ourselves honestly with others makes us psychologically vulnerable and most of us would agree that psychological pain is more hurtful and difficult to get over than physical pain as we carry the “wounds” in our hearts as well as our minds for a very long time.

(read more from here if you're interested.)

John Powell's book did give the naive me a good preparation on the art of self-disclosure in my early days of conversion.

Comfort and cure, may our loving God grant to you, my dear sister-in-Christ! Amen.

P.S. 誰有興趣拿這本書一讀可以告訴我,我可以從大學圖書館借出來。

At 7/20/2005 04:33:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...



At 10/16/2005 01:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello brother,

Humans are born naked with no secrets but however as this world becomes more complicated, the need for pivacy is important. It protects one from being hurt. Keeping a certain degree of secrecy does protect ourself, and our family, in this complicated world. While we need to be frank and open, I think it is only limit to our family, brothers and sisters, even friends but certainly not to anybody, someone we even do not know.....


At 10/16/2005 03:37:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Of course I do understand the complexity and danger of this world that we're in are far beyond what I can imagine. But from time to time I still like to push my openess to new limits, not ignoring its negative side, but because I believe there's a higher power on my side. And you can never experience that higher power until you put your faith into it. But I do appreciate your reminder, bro!


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