Friday, February 29, 2008





Wednesday, February 27, 2008




Thursday, February 21, 2008

To be (a Facebooker) or not to be...



一直以來,Blogger的simplicity和user-friendliness最得我心,Multiply除了網誌外的大少附加功能(好像跟Facebook差不多,試用過的網友給我說明好嗎?)也補足了我的須要,再加上自己在Apple DotMacMediaMax都有帳戶,要用的功能也就開始重疊了,帳戶也就開始累積得有點太多了吧!?要comment在Yahoo!Blog的網友,又要先登記一個帳戶才可給他們comments(又帶來一個不會用的電郵帳戶),我就已經有點不耐煩了。所以這些年間一些外地的親友雖然曾經通過ZorpiaWaynFriendster等向我發過不止一次的邀請,我都不好意思地婉拒了。還好,還有新浪Wordpress (Vow! This one has great typographic control!差點引得我另起爐灶)、Xanga等網站沒有要求登記這個procedure,我還可以回應在這裡publish網誌的網友。

這個世代,無論甚麼產品和服務成功起來,便馬上會有千百個複製品被推出市場供消費者(end users in this case)選擇,教人無所適從⋯ 無端想起最近讀完的一本精采小書The Plenitude...

To sign up or not,我知道這種兩難的爭扎不會是一次過的,是會持續下去的⋯


Monday, February 11, 2008







懶理初三是赤口日,更懶理各方相士就港人的命運說三道四,福氣是自己抓回來的!早上到太太大哥家拜年,轉戰酒樓吃中午飯,跟著到太太大姊姊家family gathering,一室之內大的小的壯青少各有各的節目,喧嘩直至幾乎午夜。




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Sunday, February 03, 2008

A good day

This was a good day.

When the golden ray shone into my window, onto my bed, woke me up, I knew this would be a good day. I remembered my fellow Chinese people in mid-southern China who suffered from the snow disaster. After days of struggling with the cold, the freezing rain, the chaos, the hunger, the exhausted bodies... I knew this warm sunshine would ease their suffering a bit. This would be a good day.

Lord, they desperately long for going back home to spend the Chinese New Year with their families, please grant them their wishes to come true! Amen!

Today I couldn't attend the Sunday service, for it was the last session of the MBA class on Strategic Design. This was the 2nd time I co-taught this subject with my boss. Today I didn't need to prepare for any lecture because it was them presenting their final assignment. After spending with the class a consecutive 3 weekends, 6 hours each session, I was eager to see if they managed to learn a thing or two and reveal those learning in their assignment. Whatever subject I taught, I would always be excited at the last class, because it is a time I enjoy and harvest the result of my teaching, just like after God finished His creation for 6 days, He sat down and enjoyed His creation on the 7th day. That was a good day.

19 students in 5 groups, they presented their final assignment. While my boss were never harsh in commenting as usual, I always tried to be more critical in giving comments (just to balance for his easy-going manner), as well as giving suggestions on how they could improve in preparing the written proposal for final submission. I find students always welcome suggestions on how they could move on. And because I pointed to them the way ahead, they usually felt less offensive about my critical comments. Today, we didn't end the class until we finished all the presentation at 2:30 pm. Before we dismissed, student C (the man sitting on the floor), the leading figure among them, also one of the students who my boss and I gave the most harsh criticism during the tutorial last week, proposed to take a photo together, as well as treated my boss and I a late lunch too! This was a good day.

The students came from a diverse spectrum of background and streams of specialism: they are from MBA in Innovation and Design Management, MBA in Information Technology Management, MBA in General Management, and Master of Design (Advanced Strategies); they are design managers, designers, design teacher, R&D manager, HR manager, account servicing, IT and marketing practitioners, TV producer... From their accents, I could tell many of them are either raised or educated in foreign countries: from India, New Zealand, Britain, Taiwan, the US... Gladly many positive comments were given on the dining table, mostly on what they learned and what could be applied in their daily work. Apparently, most of them had a good experience in this subject. Thank God!

This was a good day indeed!
