Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spiritually lame

OK, my last post is on the 1st of this month, and this is to stop me from breaking my own record for keeping silent.

My spirit has been lame all through the month. Lame, inert, but not depressed I guess. Not to mention I find no strength or motivation to blog about anything (I can't believe I missed to blog about HH's 10th birthday although I started a draft), I find no strength to pray for anything, anybody, or even myself. Not sure if it is some kind of burn-out, I also felt discouraged about not able to accomplish some scheduled tasks: meeting someones, praying for somebody, meeting some deadlines... I don't usually feel the need to travel just for travel's sake although I already accumulated more than 30 days' leave, but I thought about it this month, and seriously considering. That's unusual for me.

The only thing impressed me most this month was seeing the 2009 Oscar Best Foreign Language Film of the Year Departures (禮儀師の奏鳴曲). Such a superb film, it filled my eyes with tears, and I feel bad about not able to visit my parents immediately, but it empowers me to love more.

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009


七一公假,帶了兩個女兒去數碼港百老匯看最後一場Hannah Montana: The Movie

樂意帶她們去,是因為早陣子在Disney Channel聽過片子裡面的一首歌The Climb,喜歡那種pop rock sound,風格有點像Sheryl Crow,便即管給她們買了原聲大牒,聽過後就連太太對牒中的歌曲也不抗拒。又因為大女兒不斷請求我帶她們去看,說她的幾個要好同學都已經看過了云云... 我見自己這天放假有空,便應允帶她們去了,為要看她們面上那副興奮的樣子。兩個小妮子晨早八時還未到便起了床,趕著我往看落畫前的最後一場,是早上九時半的!

High School Musical系列後,現在Hannah Montana是大女兒的最愛(小女兒仍然較愛前者)。起初還以為這種青春偶像片,我這個父親只有陪看的份兒,誰知片中女主角和父親之間的感情是故事的主線之一。一首父女合唱的Butterfly Fly Away,告訴我女兒終有一天會像毛虫破繭離我飛去...


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