資金,歡迎你進來!人材,歡迎你進來!知識,歡迎你進來!科技,歡迎你進來!創意,歡迎你進來!意見,歡... 這個麻...
{{ : )
創意; yes. China has copy and paste.
意見; yes. China likes all positive comments.
China is a happy, yes country.
今年剛過了四份之三,我跟老闆分別向本港、深圳、廣州和長沙的中小企領導、中高層管理人員、設計同業和教育工作者等主領過六次相類似的講座或工作坊,短的一天(約六個小時),長的五天也有。我們致力的是讓商界明白怎樣以設計創新,設計對創新所能起的關鍵作用,並予以重視和尊重。若用所參加的人數來衡量果效,或去只算是九牛一毛、杯水車身、甚至可有可無,然而我還是抱著一向把持著的兩個信念來做這些事:1. 就中國和香港設計業的營商環境,我總算做了我認為可以做的事來促成一點改進;2. 人家的回應並不是決定我做或不做任何事的重要因素,it's my call anyway。
Good luck with the effort. Design and business is an odd couple. They do not go well together. Suits dislike designers for not understanding profit and revenue. Designers dislike suits for not understanding time and effort in design do not generate the same amount of profit and revenue.
It takes more than a few individual to move the wheel. It takes the right environment, right citizen, people, government and policies to appreciate designers in business.
As of today in China, the copy and paste system generates so much profit and revenue without R&D; I do not see the point for most Chinese companies to create R&D and design departments.
According to history, the last time the Chinese communist government paid great attention to their local artists and designer, it was during the Cultural Revolution. And you know how that turned.
As of today, China is still under an Emperor/Communist system. All for one; One for all.
According to our 5000 years of world cultural history, Europeans lived their lives as Europeans, Americans lived their lives as Americans, Africans lived their lives as Africans and Chinese lived their lives as Chinese.
Even if the Chinese could copy and paste the city of Paris, France, Do you really believe the people who live there truly convince that they are living in Paris, France?
In conclusion, it takes more than a few individual to change the (billion) mind of a nation that R&D, design and testing in manufacture increase profit and revenue…………………....... in the long term.
Hey, we're having some meaningful discussion here...
> In conclusion, it takes more than a few individual
> to change the (billion) mind....... in the long term.
> Good luck with the effort.
Luck won't help in a task of such scale. Instead, faith and persistence are what's needed. Faith on Someone is what I rely on. Faith gives birth to persistance, and persistence gives birth to miracles. I know this miracle will come slowly, and end up people won't call it a miracle, but a natural development/evolvement.
> Design and business is an odd couple.
> They do not go well together. Suits dislike designers
> for not understanding profit and revenue.
The paradox is that the so-called most successful designs are always designs which makes money, makes a fortune for the suits. It seems that the success of a design has to include commercial success as well. So it's useless for my design to be recognized and appreciated only by my fellow designers, 'cos they're not the ones who'll pay fairly for my work. If my design couldn't help the suits to make any profit, of course inevitably we have to suffer from price wars. And it's useless to complain that they don't know how to appreciate our designs. Or should it be vice versa?
The point is whether we can speak in their terms rather than forcing them to appreciate our values. Even they can wear our hats, they won't pay for the job in what we designers see as fair. Instead, we need to wear their hats, think about how our designs fit into their business models, and how design contribute to creating/adding values to their business, and ultimately transforming them into financial values.
When I spoke like this I got feedbacks like having someone asked me "Should art and design be dominated by businessmen and rich people?" Yes, that's something we need constant reconsideration and re-evaluation, and there's no short answer for this. But as long as the capitalistic economy continue to prevail, all commercial activity, including design, have to be quantified in terms of financial value and that is how the game is played. And this is not about being a cheap designer who looks only to money or not. Unless someone can come up with another ideology better than capitalism (the communists tried) -- this seems even harder to change than to change a billion minds with a few individuals, and even a longer term task than what I am doing.
Of course, in my belief, there's already a better ideology, and it's more than an ideology, but an answer to human history and everybody's life. For more than 2,000 years individuals are actually working on this "changing" thing, and it won't be long to be completed.
This link will give a good support for my point of view. http://moliuology.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=794145 .
Japan has “Wii” and China has “Vii”.
I read that Chinese communist government (wants) China to be a leader in global technology innovation; I suggest Chinese communist government looks around their Asia region, like Japan, South Korean and India, before they talk about global leader.
Fact is fact.
HK Loudspeaker, you don't need support, I never doubt your viewpoint. Only that doesn't mean we have to give up, and actually this is exactly why we shouldn't.
China has Vii, implying a fact that the country has everything (technology, know-how, investment capital, consumer market...) but one thing: original design. Original design comes from creative thinking, and you can only say it's only 50-50 on whether Chinese culture encourages or discourages that, and I'm working on my part to add that 1% on the positive side. How about you?
> Chinese communist government (wants) China to be
> a leader in global technology innovation
Yes, I read that too, only it's still a very long road. The road is long but it also means you can reach the destination still. The road is there, so it's a matter of whether we have the persistence to finish this long road. It's better than not stepping on this road at all.
In my country, when food critics comment dishes, most chefs will say, “Thank you for the comments. I will improve upon the valuable suggests.” Or you never heard of Steven Spielberg asked film critics to direct his next film if he received a negative/suggestive comment on his projects.
This is a fact. I found out in China / HK, when one person was being commented on, instead of a sincere gratitude for the valuable comments that he received, he would says to the commentator, ”If you think you can do better, why don’t you show me how. If you couldn’t, just shut up.”, or “I'm working on my part to add that 1% on the positive side. How about you?” I am doing something about it, how about you?
In fact, everyday I am doing my part as citizen to protect my rights to freedom of expression and freedom of speech. I monitor, ridicule, mock and revolt against my government to make sure my government is doing what they said. (Most never did) In my country, government’s power comes from its citizens. This is in our constitution.
I wrote comments about the China issue was because I care. I care to take time to write my respond. I care to take time to read your comments. Do not take suggestive comments as offensive and insult. If you do not know how you’ve performed, you do not learn.
We care so we speak.
I think I read this before. I got your point, and I think I expressed my thanks for your comments already, didn't I? Let me clarify that my thanks to you is sincere and I do treasure them and didn't take it as offensive. I didn't and will never ask you to shut up. I already said we're having some meaningful discussion here, aren't we? Unless you think I got irritated or upset, but actually I'm not. When I asked "How about you?" I think my tone is different from the example you gave -- I didn't mean to ask you to shut up. Instead, what I was thinking was like encouraging a comrade to do something to improve what we feel not satisfied. Only you can tell me why you have that association of thought so fast and so sensitive, thinking I felt offended. Anyway, let's get back to the topic and not distracted by emotions.
Correct me if I am wrong: according to what you believe will improve this situation is on changing the political system to a more democratic one. This I don't have a comment at this moment, but I won't say 'good luck to you" or things like that. But I can say this is no easier than changing what I want to change here. You insist to advocate on this not because it is easier, but you belief it is the right thing to do, don't you? Again it may also be a long road to achieve that some day. Yet you don't mind it is long but still care to speak. Same to me when I think talking to my audience will change something one day. So we're actually similar.
Don't just listen to what someone is saying. Listen to why they are saying it.
Listen, not just with ears, but also with heart.
I am reading and listening with both my ears and heart. I also asked the "whys" in every line you've written. Let me know if I missed anything.
I also believe you're doing the same. So again we're actually similar, only we choose a different path. Insisting one's path as the only path is no different than what the communists are doing.
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