Spiritually lame
OK, my last post is on the 1st of this month, and this is to stop me from breaking my own record for keeping silent.
My spirit has been lame all through the month. Lame, inert, but not depressed I guess. Not to mention I find no strength or motivation to blog about anything (I can't believe I missed to blog about HH's 10th birthday although I started a draft), I find no strength to pray for anything, anybody, or even myself. Not sure if it is some kind of burn-out, I also felt discouraged about not able to accomplish some scheduled tasks: meeting someones, praying for somebody, meeting some deadlines... I don't usually feel the need to travel just for travel's sake although I already accumulated more than 30 days' leave, but I thought about it this month, and seriously considering. That's unusual for me.

Hi Ching,
Oh I watched the same movie too... that was a few months ago already. That is a serious production of a good story, very touching. I had the same feeling as you about our parents after I watched it. Do try your best to visit them. I found out it may be easier to go if I just go myself without the family.... not perfect but allow me to go much more often ....
Hm... no wonder it's been quiet ...
again - viva (i.e.: to live)
Be rest in God and his yoke is easy!
Add oil! Pray for you!
Thanks everyone for comforting. I just finished my last task for July this evening. Hopefully things will get better in August.
Oh... I hope you will get better soon.
Bring your kids to see Pixar's "Up" if you haven't seen it. An excellent 3D animation film with... a fabulous and meaningful story!
Uncle 2, I took your advice and visited Mom and Dad and had lunch with them finally.
Ray, thanks! Yes I will bring my kids, probably my wife too (she was impressed by the colorful balloons), to watch the movie. Hey, your photos got better and better! Please send hi-res (1680 pixel wide) of DSC1787, DSC1792, DSC1755, DSC1389, DSC1392, and DSC1039 for my wallpapers (please keep the RS+ logo on the photos). It's a joy just by looking at them.
Wallpaper has sent already. Thanks for your appreciation!
Thanks a lot, Ray!
Since I use my 42" plasma as the monitor for my Mac Mini. Your photos look great on it!
Hi Ching,
⎡已經收到閰王帖子的老人還有地方花錢嗎?⎦... ⎡錢跟著人才行,人要是跟著錢跑是不可以的。光著身子來的就該光著身子走,人好像都不懂得這個道理。⎦
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