Tuesday, August 16, 2005



當 晚我分享的內容,其實都是來自Larry(或Lawrence)Crabb兩本有關輔導的書Basic Principles of Biblical CounselingEffective Biblical Counseling。雖是兩本薄薄的袋裝英文書,已經在這些年月裡給我自己帶來莫大的幫助。隨著我們越習慣閱讀網誌,閱讀能力給提高了,我鼓勵大家都應 該多看一些屬靈書,不然預備週會時就老在形式上變化,內容卻沒有怎樣進深過,弟兄姊妹又如何因你所負責的週會得著造就呢?(老實說,我不也是在「食老本」嗎?)難道較「硬」的內容就要留給傳道 人嗎?

有些人愛強調讀聖經,甚至要單看聖經,說其它東西都只是人對聖經的詮釋、是二手資料。我倒認為正因為這些是人家對聖經的詮釋,我就 更要多看多讀!我不是說 讀聖經不重要,但單看聖經、單靠自己對聖經的「領受」和解釋來應用在自己的生活上,往往容易跌進一廂情願、以自己的神學曲解了聖經本義的危險。唯有我們多看前人在屬靈書 上分享對聖經的解釋、反省和應用,一方面可參考多些人的意見,平衡一下自己的觀點,更可收與一些與我們存在於不同時空的信徒交往的功效。看看人怎樣了解上 帝,不就是團契的本意嗎?所以我每在書本上學到一些新事物或道理,也必定窺準機會與大家分享...



At 8/16/2005 10:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah ching, why not post all the lectures you delivered in the JF programs, and send your link to all JF b/s for their review .... I guess it'll benefit to those who can't attend the JF ma, what do you think?

At 8/16/2005 11:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ching Ching

I wanna read the two books you mentioned too.

May I borrow them from you? Or can you tell me where can I buy them easily?

Thanks a lot!


At 8/17/2005 02:54:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Coral> why not post all the lectures you delivered in the JF programs...

好提議bor! 執齊番以往咁多次講過既野呢個重任就交俾妳啦... 哈!

上次週會既撮要,岩岩寫左係Ming Ming個blog度,不過即管再post多次係呢度啦(話晒呢度唔單止免費睇,仲係免登記就有得睇添!不過身處中國既同胞就唔好意思,暫時無得睇啦!):

那些在人際關係上、事業上、愛情上、事奉上、經濟上... 要尋找安全感、被愛的感覺、或自我價值的人



相反,【刻意選擇】(moving over to the path to holiness)信靠上帝的安排和供應(無論有多難)確可滿足自己的安全感、被愛的感覺、或自我價值者,喜樂、平安、自由、釋放... 便隨之而來,並且他可自然無條件地向人付出愛而無須期望他人愛的回報,自己本可享有的那些「應份」或「可以」都會頓時看得開,皆因這一切都在神裡面給滿足了!


At 8/17/2005 03:03:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Dear ah Foon,

Of course I can lend you the books. Pastor Chow once mentioned to me that there're Chinese translation for both of them, although I don't know the names...

When I said the books helped me a lot, I mean that Crabb's analysis helped me understand almost every little action and behavior I did and I am more self-aware and alert of my own secret intentions, no matter selfish or foolish. It also helped to understand more about people too. What I didn't share with the brothers & sisters the other evening is that Crabb also introduced the procedures in how to get rid of those negative emotions and behaviour. Promise me that if you did learn something from the books, you find a chance to share in your fellowship, OK?

At 8/18/2005 06:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Ching Ching

I promise!
Just lend me and I'll read them sincerely!


At 8/18/2005 06:38:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...


By the way, I believe you need to study some psychology basics in your Master degree as well. From an evangelical viewpoint, Crabb also has in his book a brief but precise criticism on different theories from that of Sigmound Freud, Carl Rogers, B F Skinner, and Existentialism -- in case you come across any of these in your study, you know how to look at them correctly.


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