
KK and HH are two sisters born from the same womb and raised in the same family, yet they differ so much! KK is the elder sister and she is 405 days older than HH. They are so close, in each and every way.
When they were in primary school, people asked their mother
if they were twins, since
they looked very much alike in their similar dresses.
KK is always an award-winning student, always excels in most subjects. HH, on the other hand, is keen on playing, TV, toys, and day-dreaming and has seriously problems with her homework.
Though HH is the younger sister, she has something that KK can't compare. She has an in-born talent in socializing with people. Recently she is elected as the most popular classmate in her class. Even KK's classmates know about KK's popular sister and like her very much.
Her sincerity and frankness are her best virtues. While KK is almost 'stagnant' in her activities, she only enjoys indulging in her own world of knowledge and TV funs.
KK does not like to go out much. She can stay at home all day long,
enjoy reading books, doing lots and lots of exercises, watching television, doing some drawing and playing the piano, without any need of pressure from her parents. Except for Kumon mathematics, HH will do her homework or other exercise or violin practice only when she is forced by her parents with a stick in their hands. In their father's eyes, KK is a more independent person because she's crazy about reading and learning new knowledge, and so explains why she always come first among her classmates. HH always feel inferior and seems has no hope at tall in catching up with KK's academic performance.
Their father cannot find out the reason, still, why the two daughters are so different. However, he thinks that they make such an excellent pair in
forming an alliance whenever they play fighting with their dad.
兩個小妮子的堂家姐才是一對真正的twins。Labels: 女兒, 生活