Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Getting boxed on Boxing Day

Wearing black is HH, wearing white is KK.





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Monday, December 24, 2007




這除了是主的恩典,也是傻女姐姐的功勞!我也曾跟我十分尊敬的譚靜芝博士上過指揮訓練班,也曾當過詩班指揮,可是傻女姐姐獨家的「chaai面指揮法」,我還是首度見識!沒有她這項獨門功夫,孩子們列隊站出來或唱詩時,根本不懂展露天真可愛的笑容。當然,傻女姐姐一直以來給小朋友擺上的心力和事奉,十年如一日,忠心依舊,絕不止這麼一點功夫或單在音樂方面。然而這項指揮法若令她的面容被chaai至多了一兩道皺紋,就必定會叫我想起她的diligent ministry to the kids and faithful service to God。謝謝妳,傻女姐姐!


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Saturday, December 22, 2007



多得老婆老早已經安排好晒,擒日下晝去左迪士尼。豆潤咁大既主題公園,一家四口用兩日一夜慢慢玩都未遲。今朝早Hollywood酒店送左呢個襟章俾過我戴住,所以除左七點幾鐘返左屋企見到阿Foon同埋BigHead、老豆同阿媽、仲有Ceci既comments、SMS同電話祝賀之外(衷心感謝各位!),響Disneyland去到邊都間唔中會有人同我講「Happy birthday!」同埋「生日快樂!」,感覺確係同往年唔同...

入住呢間Hollywood酒店,黎到見到個外觀既第一個感覺唔似酒店,似係去左九龍灣某工廠大廈多D!隔離間Disney Hotel就靚好多(當然亦貴好多)。




Wednesday, December 19, 2007


It is usually the most satisfying moment when a semester comes to an end: neither do I need to prepare for lectures nor scratching my head on thinking how to push my students to work against tight submission deadlines.

成個學期我俾左學生五個功課,淨係poster design一個功課已經擺到一地都係!呢幅相見到幾多?日夜校兩班Typography加埋43人,你諗下我有幾多件功課要grade啦!

While I'm grading my students' works, it always feel great when I receive compliment emails from them. But in this semester I do receive something new, something I've never heard before from previous semesters:

"Thanks very much for your kindness and smile. They make the lessons more interesting and we are not afraid to ask questions in the class.【呢個comment真係第一次聽!前兩個禮拜先聽見教會有大人細路話我個樣鬼咁嚴肅,好彩家下有人幫我平反jet!】
Indeed, we improved our sensitivity of font and typography thru this project. Some presentations are quite unique and we learnt a lot from them. Actually, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making this course interesting."

"I found your course is very useful, and it enlightens me to be more sensitive in typography. Most of time now, I will unconsciously keep watch for typo designs like on movie posters, movie trailers, magazines ads, signages and shop's logotypes...etc.

Well, I don't know how long this habit will last, but at least I can apply what I learnt from you to answer/challenge my marketing colleagues' stupid comments on typography."
【呢位同學每次功課都做勁多concept sketches,比起今日好多designer做job都只係撩一兩個layouts就埋電腦做final artwork,唔知算唔算瀕臨絕種一族呢!?】

"I pleased that I can join these high-standard lesson, lets me pay attention how to create typeface, analyzes the typeface, resolution of letterform...
Because your lecture on typeface let us know to request the homework standard. I study many course, I never seen a lot of diligent classmate in a class, it lets me positive diligently myself.
At the end of the subject of Typography, thanks for the tutorial and the email opinion, it is very detailed and clear. I gained a lot from this semester and I think it really can grab every chance in future in applying I have learned."

"I am glad to finish all the lessons of 'Typography'. Thanks for your patient to teach us for these months. Typeface design made me satisfied... they are designed by myself and are unique. Now, I have my own typeface!
【感唔感受到佢份興奮?】It is a special experience to me. After I finished the final assignment, I understood that typeface design is really really difficult thing. During the process of designing the new typeface, I did many many times revision including the revision of the strokes. But I still enjoyed to do it. It is because I can learn more from each revision."

"May you spend some time to give some comments as your comments are highly effective and useful."

"Thank you for your kindly teaching/tutorial. I learnt a lot from the lesson."

"I am really grateful to you for that you had done, eg. diligent teaching, tutorial/e-mail opinions, especially you would still try your best to give me some detailed and useful opinions even if I hadn't do the well prepare for the tutorial... actually I feel so shame about that... Thank you for your teaching~~"
【響tutorial度俾唔俾到D有用既意見學生係我非常重視既一環。既唔會spoon-feed、又要point the way ahead、inspire到佢地返去知道做乜... 呢位同學同好多個一樣,過晒交功課既時間仲係咁send D改進左既功課黎叫我comment,完全體現「讀書不是求分數」既精神!】

"I also would like to thank for your teaching, the lesson make me interest in typography and let me know there are different angles tolook at design. I'm really enjoy your class... And feel surprise lot of the works of my classmates are doing so well in the final... I hope to share more about design with you at the future in the spare time~"

"... thank you so much in the Typography module. Before this semester I think I am sensitive to the fonts or text... But now, I know we have a long long way to go... haha! All topics in the lessons are interesting, although the courseworks are really hard for me... I have to spend so much time to do... But I earned so much!!! At least, I will 堅持 what I learnt in the Typography lessons!!"

「我們一些同學想食飯with u, like 謝謝宴~哈哈」

響另一個科目,我同學生分享緊作為老師,我教學方法既取向係多俾D建設性既批評(等佢地知道下一步做乜),唔好齋俾D苛刻既意見(講俗D就係「插」佢地或者「打沉」佢地),因為我贊成Edward de Bono既講法,呢個世界太追捧critical thinking而忽略左creative thinking。有個學生咁樣覆我:

"Yes, I agree with your standpoint... you are the first runner up in my favourite tutor list. Just keep it up and I am sure you will be a brilliant teacher and teach someone likes me, hahah!
【然後佢講到佢日頭做既工作】I have a successful private show last night and of course after writing the proposal, frankly speaking, I gain a lot of inspirations through your lesson....
I am sure you are a passion and a sincere lecturer, just keep it up and make more contributions, you inspired me actually."


Thursday, December 13, 2007


對不起,又個多星期沒空寫新的entry了,皆因工作上趕著要完成年底前要完成的,家裡則正要開始幫女兒們為考試溫習... 很累呢!


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Monday, December 03, 2007




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