Sunday, June 21, 2009




再歌頌多一樣:就係我老豆不知幾英明,娶到一個運籌帷幄,keep住抽大鎖匙打理頭家到tup tup掂既奶奶勒(我地屋企既奶奶無分一二三四,皆因我老豆好專一,從一而終既)!


P.S. 大概聽日點擊人次就會過50,000!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

A big day for iPhone users

This is definitely a big day for iPhone users like me: The release of iPhone OS 3!

My habit of upgrading to something new would be to first wait to read some user reviews on the net and see if it is bug-free. But as an iPhone user, who could not be tempted by features like cut, copy and paste, MMS, Spotlight search...

Well, upgraded and so far so good! Thanks to Apple. The cut, copy and paste function is superbly implemented, really easy to use. The Find-my-phone feature works great! If I lost my phone somewhere, I can login to MobileMe with any computer and send a message to pop-up on my iPhone screen -- complete with an alert sound even when my phone is in silent model! If I were a spy and wanted no one to peek into my national secrets in my phone, I could wipe away all my data on the phone by restoring it to factory settings, all remotely done!

Well, there's always pros and cons. What doesn't live up to my expectations are: (1) only 2 more pages are added -- still not enough for me! (2) still no sync for to-do list in iCal; (3) now my iPhone feels a bit slow with the new OS.

Well, anyway, I still love my iPhone.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


下班後約了太太在IFC Mall等,誰知從尖沙咀坐完渡輪過來中環,被久圍了的落霞深深吸引著,立即從背包拿了照相機出來拍呀拍呀... 結果遲到了!


Saturday, June 13, 2009





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