Another composition exercise by KK. She interviewed me with a few questions and then came up with this:
My dad's childhood was very different from mine. He lived in Wong Tai Sin. He had many people lived in his home. He lived with his parents, grandmother and four brothers. He didn't helped out any household chores. His mom did everything. My dad didn't go out often like I do. He didn't buy toys. He made toys by himself. He always played with his brothers.
It is sad to know that my dad did not had a happy childhood because he got punished by his parents all the time, but I need to thank him for giving me a happy childhood unlike his!
Labels: 女兒, 生活
究竟KK讀緊幾多年級呢? 佢D英文寫得好好喎?
... I need to thank him for giving a happy childhood to me unlike his.
Unlike his既係佢既childhood,唔係me,所以我要佢改。
1. 我唔記得妳屋企既工人係咪菲傭;
2. 我睇親DVD都唔用中文字幕,而係用英文字幕,呢兩年為左遷就HH先至間唔中睇中文字幕;
3. 同佢一齊睇英文書,佢睇我讀(六七歲之後已經無乜做,不過佢到而家一樣照睇好多英文書同一D junior novels);
4. 由得佢狂睇Disney Channel,不過語言頻道指定要用英文(一樣,呢兩年為左遷就HH先至俾佢地聽中文);
4. 佢上面呢篇係正規英文功課,不過老師揀左佢響課餘參加Creative Writing(例如學下寫英文詩之類)同埋英文戲劇班。
KK真係好有語言同讀書的天份! 多謝你的意見,定會參考之....
聽日係KK十歲生日(進入兩位數啦!),佢居然話想去Dan Ryan's食飯慶祝!佢呢個諗法真係估佢唔到!不過聽日佢又岩岩開始考試直到禮拜二,之後轉夏令時間只係返上晝 —— 好野,我同老婆輕鬆晒!
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