Monday, April 07, 2008


It was 10:00 pm. I was having tutorials with my students, and the class is supposed to end by then, but 2 more students to present and I need to give them comments and advice, the other 9 were obviously waiting for the class to end. Actually they could leave but they didn't. I supposed they wanted to hear how other classmates were doing?

While these 2 students were copying the files for their presentation, I told them I was having tutorials with the full-time class since 2 pm until 6:30 pm. Then I hurried back from Wanchai to Hunghom to their class and started tutorial since 7:30 pm. I just had a piece of bread for lunch and I haven't had my dinner yet. So actually I was more desperate than them in ending the class ASAP.

Then I added, "雖然我同你地一樣趕住落堂,但係我唔會因為咁俾D好求其既意見你地既。"

講完句說話班同學笑左一野,自己都覺得好似講得幾有型咁... 但係即時心裡面又問自己:駛唔駛咁盡力jet?係咪響度搵自己笨呀?咁攪法容乜易十一點先落堂?唔駛幾耐老婆梗打電話黎問我點解仲未返歸架啦...

同最後一個同學做埋tutorial之後係10:55 pm。臨完之前另外一個坐響度等緊放學既同學收到個電話,話仲有個同學仔岩岩開完OT趕緊返黎,阿sir(即係我)可唔可以等埋佢,等多十分鐘就會到咁話...

結果我叫大家放學先,聽電話呢位同學同我一齊等埋佢、聽埋佢presentation、我(繼續好有心機咁)俾埋comments同advice佢,已經係11:40 pm。




At 4/09/2008 12:16:00 PM, Blogger Camustudent said...


At 4/09/2008 02:34:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

清潔阿嬸對我黎講已經算平常,個晚我就講到間班房自動響10:55 pm熄燈,唔走唔得,我就拿拿臨執埋部laptop同兩個學生去第二度傾埋佢。我都係第一次試過咁...

At 4/09/2008 10:51:00 PM, Blogger Ray said...

印象中唔覺得經常超時喎,反而覺得好抵上!俾左咁多錢學費.... 終於有多少少回報同得著 XD

At 4/10/2008 11:37:00 AM, Blogger Camustudent said...

話口未完,尋晚當我做presentation既時候就有個阿姐入黎問tutor幾時完(當時只係9:50 pm)。

At 4/11/2008 03:02:00 PM, Blogger big_head said...

係咪淨係為左有型﹐ 還是係盡責啊?


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