Saturday, September 17, 2005

Conquer by forgiving

The fellowship last night was about tackling conflicts. I ended the session with the following 2 quotes:

"There is a hard law...When an injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive." ~ Alan Paton

"The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness." ~ William Blake



At 9/18/2005 01:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

突然想起一個思想跟身體配合的操練, 話說可以幫助提升forgiveness的效果, 我有試用過, 真係幾work架! 個操練係咁既:

先從思想出發 >>> 想著那另你感到不公平的事或使你發怒的人 >>> 然後身體隨即配合 >>> 先吸入一大啖氣 >>> 鎖住呼吸 >>> 出力緊握著兩個拳頭, 有咁大力得咁大力! >>> 思想隨即再配合 >>> 心?面開始想著 "我要把他/她寬恕?(forgive), 我要把它忘記(forget)...不斷重複在心?想著, 直至你感到快要斷氣 >>> 而家立即將家先前鎖住的那啖氣呼出, 同時, 將前已緊握著的兩個拳頭釋放, 全身放鬆, 十隻手指伸直, 伸到直一直為止 >>> 操練完成!

And you should feel better now...

Have a go, see if it works on you or not...



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