Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What is Education?

Education is the art, the action and process of changing people's minds and ultimately people's behaviour.

The kindergarten teacher educates:
She teaches kids the ABCs (minds) so they speak (behave) what is considered correct. She teaches them the hows (minds) so they behave what is considered correct.

The kindergarten kids educate:
Instead of rationalising everything, they only do what is enjoyable to them. Now the teacher sees (mind) that things to be taught has to be attractive and enjoyable. Now the teacher teaches (behave) creatively.

The university professor educates:
He does not tell his students what is correct (minds) so they have to find (behave) it by themselves. The students struggle, experience, criticise, testify, and so believe (minds) what they have found is correct and act (behave) accordingly.

The university students educate:
Instead of doing what is only attractive and enjoyable, they are asked to criticise what is considered correct, even it is from their professors and considered "sacred". Now the professor sees that everything he considered correct are being challenged. Now the professor struggles, experiences, criticises, testifies, and so renewed his beliefs (mind) and acts (behave) accordingly.

前 陣子因旅遊而錯過了與一班同學給這位貌似《仙樂飄飄處處聞》主角Julie Andrews並將要離港的老師送別(這個世代還有沒有「謝師宴」這回事?),著實感到可惜!老實說,兩年來她只教過我一科,並沒有從她身上學到甚麼。 但從同學和老闆口中得悉她也在為我寫畢業論文的進度擔憂,並且離去前給了我老闆一封電郵,囑咐他在這個月內不要給我太多工作,好讓我能專心完成這項功課云 云... 心裡頓時泛起一陣歉意,皆因有老師在為自己的事擔憂的時候,自己卻在過去兩三個月因其它事情佔據了自己的心力、又沒有想到甚麼好的靈感和概念、更沒有好好 管理和利用時間... 現在不過(照例)在臨急抱佛腳吧!

"...thanks again for the last 2 years for allowing me to speak, to debate, and to make mistakes in the class. And thanks for praising me too. I sincerely pray that you will find your next breakthrough in your life experience with your future days."



At 9/06/2005 11:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

then don't post too many responses in our blogs starting from today, and concentrate on your dissertation la ..... you must have spent too many times on the internet la .....

At 9/07/2005 01:51:00 AM, Blogger ablogaday said...

咁咪即係叫我少D laat人?少好多significance既喎!諗諗先...


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