四個小時的會議縱是完了,腦袋裡還是滿載各種不同的概念,轉著轉著在求問不同的可能性,想著想著怎樣可以設計出和選擇一個更好的牧養信徒和關顧教會各事工的方法... 自九月初開學以來在工作上、教會上、和家庭生活中的忙亂,都沒有叫我失眠,但就是這樣的一個會議,卻令我兩個晚上也無法如常的飛快入睡,算不上是失眠,但... 感覺良好!
月初在團契看了一套有關蘇格蘭奧運金牌得主Eric Liddell的紀錄片,記述他的下半生如何全然奉獻自己在中國傳福音,叫我動容,實在要為有他這樣的宣教士來華感謝神。影片裡面有不少Liddell跑姿的照片,才知Ian Charleson在《Chariots of Fire》(港譯《烈火戰車》,1981年奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳配樂、最佳原創編劇、與及最佳服裝設計。噢!不是劉德華主演的那一套呢!)中演得這樣神似!他那張大的口和往後昂的頭,原來是因為他定意要榮耀神、深深感受到神的喜悅所至:

I have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in her own way, or his own way. And where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said, "Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. If with all your hearts, you truly seek me, you shall ever surely find me." If you commit yourself to the love of Christ, then that is how you run a straight race.主啊!我相信你是喜悅我在執事這崗位事奉你的。教導我怎樣服事你和服事弟兄姊妹!願我重回執事這崗位的未來日子裡,也能感受到你的喜悅。阿們!
I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure. ~ Eric Liddell in Chariots of Fire
Congrats on your return to a post that you're meant to take.
I remember and also quoted the same line from Eric Liddell on my blog. Everytime I read that, I still get the chill. Michael Chang (張德培)is another athlete who inspires by letting his passion for Christ flowing out through excelling in sports. Of course, he has not at the finish line yet, but I wonder what'll be said about him by posterity.
Btw, why did you take a break for 10 years?
> meant to take
I take that as a compliment, thanks!
Actually I do remember you wrote about Eric Liddell before, only I didn't spend time to find the page to link for it.
> why did you take a break for 10 years?
I've been trying to explain that with a photo after the 1st paragraph. That photo was Lulu and I taken in Macau in 1998 when some couples' had a trip 'cos FuShing's family were back to HK. I like that photo very much. The next day after we're back to HK, Lulu went to see the doctor and was told that she was pregnant, which was something we've praying for years, and that was how KK's name came about -- answered prayer. The deacons were good to me. They believed that I should take a break and concentrate to learn to be father and enter into another stage of life, and accepted my resignation. That was it. At first I thought I would be away for only a few years, didn't realize it took me a decade.
Yes, that's a compliment.
Thanks for sharing.
When I was driving to school, I picked up the same question, "what do I do that I'll feel the pleasure of God." I asked the question last year but didn't have an answer. I'm getting a clue today. When it's time, I'll write about it.
Such a beautiful picture when we all do what we're given talents and we're doing it for the glory of Him.
It seems like we, Patrick, Grace and myself, are all touched, to say the least, by the life of Eric Liddell. Back in November last year, I also wrote an entry about him. How amazing it is to see after so many years, he still inspires us all.
"You cannot see faith, but you can see the footprints of the faithful. We must leave behind "faithful footprints" for others to follow." ~ Dr. Dennis Anderson
Thanks God we have the footprints of Liddell and Chang.
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