Sunday, March 05, 2006


Dear bro,

Don't know what to say. I just pray that God will speak to you with this book. May God grants you the motivation, the patience and the persistence to read through it. May your spiritual passion be restored. May I see you rejoice in the Lord, again. May I hear from you the praising words offered to the Lord, again.

Can't afford to lose another fellow brother-in-Christ.

這篇原打算在二月廿六日發表的網誌,直到今天才放上來。事緣二月廿四日那天下午懷著沉重的心情,離開了展銷書攤後再折返,最後決定買下了John Piper寫的這本書,再將上面這段話寫了進去,打算兩天後送給弟兄,誰知找不著他... 直到今天崇拜才有機會送給他,願神使用這本書。

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." ~ John Piper



很多很多年前教會因為要整頓圖書房裡面的屬靈書籍,我便毅然報讀了學生福音團契的一個圖書館管理課程,學懂了「杜威圖書分類法(Dewey Decimal Classification System)」,一心只是要將沒甚系統的書本按正規的方法分類妥當,方便弟兄姊妹尋索和圖書館的擴充,亦為提高弟兄姊妹讀屬靈書興趣盡一點力,也算是自己在神面前的一個事奉。沒想到的是,老師不單教我們分類方法,也分享他如何籍著屬靈書籍給人幫助。上面他這句話,到今天仍然清楚記得,亦對我受用非常(前陣子Amy也給我作了見證)。




At 3/06/2006 01:55:00 PM, Blogger Camustudent said...


At 3/07/2006 05:35:00 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I recently feel like I want to take a break from God also. Life circumstance could be grueling sometimes. Especially when your needs are not met, one naturally blames it on God without checking with your own self first. No, don't worry, in a matter of seconds, I realize that I need Christ and His promises more than anything else in the world. Nothing offers hope, only Jesus Christ does. With Him in my heart, I can overcome, moment by moment, the difficulties in life.

At 3/07/2006 12:39:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Minor unmet needs or unanswered prayers can lead to major resentments. Lewis Smedes said "[r]esentment is yesterday's irritation scratched into the sensitive membranes of our memory." (Smedes, 1978:74) You're right that we should turn away from them before it bears roots in us. I wish this brother can work this out finally. Please pray for him, whoever he is. Thanks!


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