前個禮拜同屋企人食完端午節飯,上個禮拜又慶祝父親節 + 媽媽八十大壽 + 大佬攞傑出校友!一家人四點鐘就開始殺上細佬響藍田既新居坐下,傍晚就三架車載哂所有人去九龍灣MegaBox吃晚飯,好熱鬧兼開心!
【呢個學生個款似足我教會以前既牧師,但係自稱係個shallow student既咁樣寫】I am deeply appreciate your... inspiration offered to me/ us in the second semester.
It is definite that【the subject I taught】is one of the best subjects I experienced in the first year of [the programme name]. It means effective teaching method, via coherent and systemic curriculum, and sufficient amount of well prepared case studies lead me/ us to understand the scope of learning.
You are so good in thinking and writing, as mentioned by【佢另外一科既老師,當年就係呢位曾經都教過我既老師鼓勵我去讀碩士】.
Many thanks for your time and everything, take care.
【呢個代表埋自己班組員添】We would like share some comments to you as well,【the subject I taught】is the most hardest, most challenging and the most interesting subject in our year 1 semester 2.... We all gained much from the assignment and your class. We enjoy those case study seminars as well, which inspired and gave much hints and guideline to develop our project. Sure, if you can give more case studies and lectures in the class, we think we can reach more and more from there as well.
I found that almost all classmates learnt a lot new knowledges and presentation skills from the subjects... thank you so much for your teaching and sharing your design business experience with all of us. I am really enjoyable to take your lessons.
【跟住呢個最長篇大論】Thank you for your sharing and tutoring in class. I have learnt a lot and it has inspired me to continue learning in this area.
I learnt a lot from my classmate groups...【我最安慰聽到佢地咁講,我認為呢個先至係 classroom setting既最大好處,唔係淨係旨意我講哂】The tutorial classes also helped a lot in developing and improving. When we prepared the document and information, we would find it easy to not know what to do next. But after the tutorial, we would find out the direction to keep working on the project...
...I felt it helped me more looking around what happen next to me... In the final presentation class, it was so inspiring when I looked at what the other classmates did. I can see they all worked hard on their projects and I learnt a lot from each other.
Over all I learnt more then I expected from the course. I have new perspective on the news happen now. If the course could be longer, I would gain more knowledge and experience from it.
【the subject I taught】has given me something to reflect on with regards to my skill as a graphic designer. The presentation and the weekly classes gave me a big challenge to my creative thinking capability. I have learnt a lot on how to create and develop a social issue business, which was not I thought a designer could do. The course helped me have a different way of thinking in the daily life. Although the course exercises were much more difficult than I expected【其實係因為我滲左D我教Master科目D料落去,攪到班友哎哂救命,騎騎!】; I have enjoy and gained a lot experience from the process of working on a business project. I also enjoyed the class presentations and tutorials. Through discussion with my classmates, we learnt, shared and supported each during the course.
I am looking forward to taking the next step with new challenges in my study and work achievements.【嘩,乜我呢科咁勵志咩?哈!】
可能我遇唔倒喇,好既設計老師的確唔多,仲要教到人又俾倒inspiration既就更少。老師,Keep up your work!
Thank you very much for your encouragement, Ray!
Your attitude 就已經滿分啦!
> 學期結束,我自己既教書兼職亦都可以竭一竭(即係黎緊暑假既收入又會少左!)
I know. Remember the verse, "All things work together for good for those who love God."
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