"So give us knowledge of the number of our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom." ~ Psalm 90:12
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posted by ablogaday @ 7:08 PM 4 comments
今天晚上7pm在無線電視看到一集香港電台的製作 (志在設計 -- 海外華人設計師系列)主角余志雄在點、線、面上的設計很有個性,而且文字設計、放置、構思方面都很強勁和出色。我一向覺得文字設計比較沉悶、困難和不討好;但看完高手作品後,有丁點兒改觀。你有沒有收看這輯作品?如果沒有定要上網翻看。對於你們這些在字裡行間攪設計的小數民族,一定有相當的啟發性!
> 無論爸爸有多麼討厭,我都一樣愛他。Absolutely not artificial. That's why kids are so precious!==It also reminds me of something I read long time ago. A teacher asks his students to make up a sentence with these two Chinese words: "難過."One student submits this: 馬路上﹐車子多﹐ 真難過!==And I like the cellist bear at the back. Cute.
1house1, I did watch the program. Let's chat on 3 Nov evening.> I like the cellist bear at the back.I like your (as a musician's) way of reading the sentence. Interesting!
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今天晚上7pm在無線電視看到一集香港電台的製作 (志在設計 -- 海外華人設計師系列)
> 無論爸爸有多麼討厭,我都一樣愛他。
Absolutely not artificial. That's why kids are so precious!
It also reminds me of something I read long time ago. A teacher asks his students to make up a sentence with these two Chinese words: "難過."
One student submits this: 馬路上﹐車子多﹐ 真難過!
And I like the cellist bear at the back. Cute.
1house1, I did watch the program. Let's chat on 3 Nov evening.
> I like the cellist bear at the back.
I like your (as a musician's) way of reading the sentence. Interesting!
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