Thursday, December 04, 2008


終於完成這學期一科兩班(full-time and part-time)Experimental Typography的所有課堂!(還要在個多星期內完成評分工作。)雖然已經是第五個學期教授這個科目,但今個學期算是最吃力的了:既要為改動課程內容而傷腦筋和重新做準備功夫(especially some changes that I don't really believe in),也是最多學生的一次 —— 日夜校兩班共57人,每次tutorial和他們逐個談功課十分鐘,也最少要用上九個半小時! —— 叫我不得不將有限的事間花在導修上而犧牲了lecture的時間。結果今晚final presentation至十時下課後,一些學生雖然已經離開,還是有八九個同學嚷著要看看我一早已經準備了卻沒有時間deliver的lecture PowerPoint...





At 12/05/2008 03:09:00 PM, Blogger big_head said...

我的學生今日考完大考,現在我也是努力改卷--something I least enjoy.

At 12/05/2008 03:22:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

Did I tell you that last June I gave an assignment asking each of my students to write a 3,000-word essay, ended up a nightmare for me... there were 48 of them, calculate for me how much I need to read, not to mention about their terrible Chinglish...

Anyway, you press on, BigHead! (I know your head is big already)

At 12/05/2008 10:04:00 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Maybe you guys have heard of D.A. Carson, the big name NT theology who teaches at Trinity. May students loath taking his class, you might wonder why, why would you not want to study under a world class NT theologian? Well, it all goes down to the exams. I guess he has become very wise after teaching for so many years, and he doesn't have time to do much reading of essay exams anymore. So he gives quizzes every week, to make sure the students do their reading, and for exams, multiple choice or fill in the blank, yes, believe it or not. But those are not easy either. Dan had a very tough time taking his class, but he eventually past with flying colours.
D.A. Carson's office was just down the hallway from mine when I worked at Trinity. One day I told him I almost quit studying theology because I couldn't understand one of his books during my first semester in seminary. He asked which book, and then he chuckled and said, "If you cannot understand that one, maybe you really should quit." He was right, because that was one of the easier books that he has written, shame on me.

At 12/06/2008 12:46:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

> So he gives quizzes every week

So do those quizzes count for grades?

I have a total of 4 individual and 1 group assignments for each of them, and they take up different percentage of importance progressively to form the final overall grade. So you calculate for me how many assignments I need to grade...

At 12/31/2008 12:59:00 PM, Blogger ablogaday said...

A feedback email from one of the part-time students:

"Really Thanks for your effort and kindness to our class, especially your prompt emails which are useful, remindful......REALLY GREAT! I am really enjoy the lesson (cause i don't feel asleep after whole day work) and i found that typo are really interesting and useful. as my background is not graphic, so, typography is new to me.

I highly appreciate about the variety of assignments (although i think the deadline is quite tight to part-time students), they helps me to aware the daily use of typography, letterform, sensitivity, etc...
And i like the final assignment very much, because we can try somethings new, something that we like.

Um...for improvement of the lesson........
Maybe try to don't cancel the lecture sections (i understand that tutorials take much the time).To me, i am really treasure the lecture section, because they are really useful to those who never take typography lessons before. They are a good guidelines for doing assignment.

Once again, thanks so much. I will try my best to apply what i have learnt in the lessons."


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